Monday, August 29, 2011

Workshop for the FALL

Do you feel like you never have enough time?
Do you wake up exhausted?
Do interactions with others make you irritable and angry?
Do these obstacles keep you from reaching your full potential at work?

Transform Stress into Well Being at Work
Teachings from the Center for Skillful Means presented in 2 workshops
Presented by Teri Beckman  
Cost: $165
Saturday, October 15th, 2011    1:00-4:30 pm
Practices will be given over the month between workshops for participants to have the opportunity to transform stress into well-being in their own lives.
Saturday, November 5th, 2011  1:00 – 4:30 pm
These workshops will focus on methods and insights that can be applied at work.  Identify symptoms of stress.  Become aware of specific patterns resulting in stress in your life. Employ simple techniques to integrate body and mind, prevent burnout, cultivate well being & improve productivity.  Identify a positive change you wish to make in your work life to reduce stress. Through lecture, experiential exercises, group sharing and meditation practice we will learn how to transform stress, work more effectively with time & experience joy at work.  

Skillful Means is a contemporary body of knowledge drawn from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.  Introduced to the West in 1976 by Tarthang Tulku, it speaks directly to the Western mind and heart.   Skillful Means is the art of working well.  It allows individuals to get to the root of problems and conflicts, and create avenues for lasting improvements.  We discover that we create our own lives.  We learn to make peace with time, get results and enjoy our lives.

1105 Iredell Street, Durham, NC 27705
To register contact Teri Beckman
919 286-9530.  Please register by Oct. 10.

Welcome to Embodied Well-Being

Dear Friends, 
Welcome to Embodied Well-Being -  a blog to share resources for individuals, groups and organizations to be healthy, happy and productive - to find balance in our day to lives.   We are creating several exciting opportunities this Fall to help provide support in journey towards balance and health and I am so happy to have this blog to be able to share them with you.

Starting next week we will begin a 10 week Kum Nye Yoga class - The Art of Balance - Please join us!  Learn more below and at

When we feel alive, the world seems fresh and life is full of promise. There is a sense of vitality and harmony.  The body feels energetic and the mind clear and confident. There is a vibrant quality to everything and the usual border between inner and outer space becomes fluid.

There is intimacy with all of life and a sense of power that gives meaning to all we do. 
The essence of this experience is balance.

Kum Nye is the art of developing this balance, engendering a sense of wellness within and a sense of wholeness in our relationship to others and our environment.

Join us as we gently explore the art of creating balance within ourselves and in our relationship to others through movement, journaling, reading and daily practices. 

WHEN : Starting Wednesday 9/7 – 11/9
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm.

WHERE: 1105 Iredell St. Durham, NC 27705

COST: 10 weeks is $100.00.  Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga book is $20.

Drop in Students welcome - $15/class.

Register/Questions: Call (919) 286-9530 or

All proceeds go to benefit the preservation of Tibetan culture and sacred texts.